Friday, February 24, 2012

Dark Void (PS3/X360, 2010)

Dark Void inspires in me a great emotional response. This game does so much right and contained some of the best game design elements I have seen, but it also has it's fill of flaws. I bought this game for 5 dollars brand new a few months back. I bought it because I played the demo years ago and thought it had some potential, despite having heard nothing but terrible things over the years. Now that I've given it a full playthrough on the Hardcore difficulty I find myself torn on it as a whole.

First off, let me say, I found this game to be absolutely beautiful. On the graphic side of the fence, this game did a great job of showing us various different kinds of locations and having a beautiful cartoony character style that never falls into being too cartoony. When you have great visuals and pare it up with Nolan North of Uncharted fame's naturalistic voice acting, you really end up with something special.

The story blows my mind on this bad boy. I swear, the writers must have sat around and thought of their favorite conspiracy theories and decided to make a game out of it. It's hilarious. Lizard men who transform into world leaders? We got those. People vanishing in the Bermuda Triangle? Hell yes! Tesla didn't really die? Of course. UFOs? All over the place! You take all of those, put it in World War 2 and get a jetpack from Tesla, and the result is laughably awesome!

Throughout the game, you'll find yourself speeding through the sky shooting up UFOs and other things, and quickly landing on the ground to do some cover system gun fighting, which is very well executed, by the way. The controls handle great and it offers you the perfect amount of both types of combat. Flying through beautiful canyons, with waterfalls and battling UFOs with amazing music that puts me in mind of Battlestar Galactica, is a beautiful thing. Oh, and yeah, I did my research. It turns out the music is from Bear McCreary, the maker of the Battlestar Galactica theme. Honestly, there are so many elements coming together to make this game absolutely special, that it's overwhelming, so why all the negative reviews?

Dark Void is an ultimate concept of a game, with a lot of love put into it, but it seems like it was never finished. The development team behind this game apparently went out of business almost immediately after the games release, thus preventing them from being able to patch the glitches and so on, and that is a real shame. I was playing along, oblivously, when I reached what many would call the hardest part of the game, the battleship. After trying over and over again, I finally did it. Something weird happened though, it cut to a cut scene of the battleship crashing and burning and a guy said something to the effect of 'great job, come meet us', followed immediately by a screen that said mission failed. I was left scratching the side of my head for a few minutes, but I went back to it and tried again. Now whenever I flew where I was supposed to land, I would float into the battleship. I mean inside it, through a wall. I couldn't move, and the only way out was the fly into the wall and kill myself. This happened over and over again for about 60 minutes before I exited and reloaded my checkpoint. To my surprise, I was finally able to land, except, when I did what I was supposed to, it didn't play the cut scene that would allow me to I just flew around until I got killed. I need to remind you that this was incredibly hard, as well as the game refusing to let me pass. After about 60 minutes of that, I shut the system down and tried to figure out why my head was hurting so much. It seems I blew a few blood vessels in my eye. In hindsight, that was probably kinda serious. After I went back, and decided I had to give it one last try, I got by it, and it all worked swimmingly, and the rest of the game was a load of fun! Still, 3.5 hours for one battle, was definitely excessive.

I wish this game did better, so it could have been patched. Better yet, I wish Capcom gave the developers more money so they could properly finish this. It was so close to greatness and that is why this game is so disappointing. It even helped me with my whole dragon killing fetish...I suppose that's a spoiler. Anyway, I  really want to recommend that you play this game, but I need you to understand that it has some big issues here and there. Hopefully, if you do give it a shot, you'll be able to see the hard work that went into this game and how special it really is. So if you actually try it, just set it to easy or something and enjoy the experience, for your health.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go play something remarkably easy to wind down. Perhaps Sly Cooper.

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