Thursday, September 1, 2011

'Where I'm at' or 'Jon's new-age bullshit'

Wowza! They finally made Blogger a little more accessible for the iPhone. Of course, they decide to do it at a time when I am so ungodly busy I have no time to write blog posts. Well, that's only partially true. Lately I have developed in many ways, leading to much needed lifestyle improvements. I have learned to stand up for myself, to embrace my creativity and to be more confident in my ideas. Whether or not this blog is the reason for that, I do not know, but for those of you who do read this, I can't thank you enough. My confidence for as long as I can remember, has been something of an act. I'm sure most of you could figure that out by how much I overcompensated for it I can proudly say, for the first time, I am confident in myself. Don't get me wrong though. If you say addicting, I am better than you, and have always known that! If there is one thing I have learned above all else, it's that we all think differently. No two brains work the same, and whether you call that special or not, it's at very least interesting. I'm saying that you should embrace your ways of thinking, but be willing to learn other ways whenever possible. A long time ago I gave up on filmmaking, because I didn't like the way it was being handled all around me. Now I see that as an opportunity to try doing things my own way. I'm sure there is something in your life that you feel this way about and I can't possibly encourage you enough to find a way to make it work for you. This is a prelude to my big announcement, but know that I am more resolved than I've ever been, and I am getting more support from the people around me than I have ever had. I see now that one should not work for a living, so much as find a way to make life work for themselves. Or I could be wrong. Time will tell.

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