Monday, January 23, 2012

Dragonborn and loving it...

Not long ago, I wrote a post saying I had a list of games to play before I could finally decide on my top 5 games of 2011. Well, after moving through Uncharted 3 and nearly being finished Gears of War 3, I got some Skyrim all up in my grill. What that means, is that I will be playing Skyrim for a VERY long time. It's pretty bad that not only am I at work these days, thinking about what my next move is in that game, but I even have my girlfriend asking me what I've been doing in it.

I find that Oblivion is a game that didn't age well, and perhaps Skyrim will end up the same, but for the time being, I wish I was playing it right now...eugh. I can't believe how naturally it guides you on and fixes all of the dated mechanics from the previous Eldar Scrolls title. No, this is not my review, but this is the only thing on my mind. Skyrim is nuts!! If there is one game out there that could compete with it for me, it's likely Dark Souls. We'll see, when I get to it. Anyway, I'll get back to my New Way to Play series next time, but today is a Monday, and that's frustrating enough.

Short post today, I know, but... I don't have time for posting. I've got to plan for my next dragon encounter!

As an aside, I was playing this with the girlfriend watching for a bit, when she remarked that it was weird to see dragons being evil creatures. Sometimes I wonder about that girl. Anyway, she then remarked that in Harry Potter there is a nice dragon that people ride. In light of this information, I would like to issue the following statement:

"Screw Harry Potter!"

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