Thursday, January 5, 2012

Why limit your cinematic joy?

I am not a film snob. Let me make that clear. I love great movies, but I also love fun movies. For fun I decided to look back on recent orders from Amazon to see my odd methods of purchasing Blu rays.

Most Recently, I ordered The Seventh Seal (Criterion Blu-Ray) and...The Expendables... seriously.
Prior to that I ordered 8 1/2 (Criterion Blu-Ray), If... (Criterion Blu-Ray), The Fountain (Blu Ray) and.... The Gamera Trilogy.
Why am I telling you this? I want to promote being a non snobbish film viewer. It's ok to enjoy a guy in a rubber turtle suit beat the snot out some other monster while towering over Japan. Just because you can appreciate great cinema, doesn't mean you aren't allowed to enjoy the little things. I'm not saying don't hate movies though. Just don't hate movies for being less intelligent than movies that people respect.

For the record though, Godzilla movies are the best! Godzilla vs. Destoroyah is damn fine cinema!

Much love!


  1. Lol, well said. And by the way thank God you're posting again. Was getting so tired of looking at that High Art review.

  2. Ditto! Every time I looked on here, I'd see that and remember how much I hated that movie. URG!
