There are a lot of simple things in this world that drive me up the freaking wall. I don't like skinny jeans, can't understand country music and genuinely hate reality tv. Today however, I feel it is necessary to explain why the term 'film buff/movie buff' always makes you sound like a pompous asshat!
First off, allow me to look up a semi official meaning to the term from the urban dictionary.
"when someone is addicted to movies and actively goes to the cinema on a regular basis."
Meaning, my local homeless tend to be Listerine buffs. That is not how I interpret the word buff. Buff implies some form of knowledge, and at very least is said in a way that implies you think you are an expert.
If these average movie watchers are movie buffs, then I'm the equivalent to movie-Jahovah! However I'm not. I'm just a guy who watches a lot of movies. See what I did there? I told you what I am, accurately and honestly.
Calling yourself a movie buff is like telling people that you are brilliant. The second you do it people will test your claim, and probably disprove it in their minds within 3 minutes. Let me take away an illusion right now. You don't know nearly as much about movies as you think. To say you are an expert on movies is like saying you are an expert on beer after trying every kind at your local liquer store. You probably don't know how it's made, nor do you know enough about beer to even grasp how many other beers are out there in the world (though I sure am craving a Sapporo about now).
In closing, I feel, a real expert should know the bad as well as the good, so if you want to call yourself a movie buff go watch every Tyler Perry movie, then we'll talk.
And that my friends is how you end a blog!