Also, a disclaimer is needed. What do I define as a superhero? Well, it's a hero who does things outside the realm of our everyday lives. Superpowers aren't needed and you will probably see a bat related gentleman somewhere on this list. Also, these are from comic books and as such I'm only taking the classic hero types as opposed to Spider Jerusalem, Morpheus and Jesse Custer. So let's begin.
10. Daredevil
While I may not know the character as well as some others on this list, I was fortunate enough to jump in during Bendis' run and it left an impression. Knowing the basics Daredevil is very cool. His powers are the ability to sense the world around him, which is helpful because he's blind. He's not super string but he is agile and always aware of his surroundings and his stories tend to be very gritty and easy to get into. It's cool to see a costumed hero deal with lowlife street thugs.
9. Wonder Woman
I really hate that so many think she is a cheesy character. It is unfortunate because she is, in my eyes, perhaps the most badass of all of DCs big 3. She dares make the decisions that Superman and Batman won't make. I recall watching her snap a guy's neck because it was the only way to resolve the situation. Batman and Superman had the nerve to resent her for what she did and in some ways she did too, but if you are in a situation where things are really bad, Wonder Woman is the one who makes the hard decisions.
8. Superman
Yeah, I know, I just said I was with Wonder Woman over Superman. You see the thing is, while girls should strive to be strong women like Wonder Woman, I was never a girl. Superman is a lame boyscout. Everyone makes fun of him for it, but I learned to appreciate him through Batman. Superman and Batman have a lot of the same rules and ideals but they use different methods. Superman is the paragon of all that is good and Batman, as far as people know is a lunatic in a cape. Batman needs to hurt people badly to build his reputation, and Superman does not. The point of all of this comparison is that Batman and Superman don't agree on much but they respect and trust each other enough to not question one another's methods. They are THE SUPER-FRIENDS, and though it's silly to say so they are the two BEST SUPERHEROES (just not my favorite).
7. Hellboy
Hellboy is so easy to love. I've hardly read any of it yet, but he is such a likable character. He is a demon from Hell meant to destroy us all, except he was raised by a good father with good values. It's that simple, he deals with amazingly imaginative things but somehow there is usually a very natural sense of humor to it all. Here is a great example
6. Beast (X-Men)
This may surprise people who know me. He's a big blue furry genius. That's the point. He's agile and strong but his mind is most important to him. I feel he is so easily relatable because he is such a brilliant and kind hearted character who hates nothing more than the way he looks. For great examples of Beast written right read Joss Whedon's Astonishing X-Men.
Ok that is part 1 down. Tune in next time for my top 5!
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