The Whitest Kids You Know is an online comedy group known for quite a few pretty decent YouTube sketches. When a good and edgy team of honest to goodness sketch comedians get their own feature film, I'm usually pretty far up in line to support it. Unfortunately, they are almost always terrible, with the exception of Mega64 and Derrick Comedy.
Miss March is an example of a bunch of young people getting their big shot and being scared no one will find it funny, so they jam so many "jokes" that they take away all humanity and in my opinion there is nothing that makes a buddy road trip better than humanity. For an example of this kind of movie done right, watch 'Fanboys'. In this we have the most over the top annoying and the most frustratingly boring main characters I may have ever seen.
Even the plot is sorta charming in a way. Well, at least some of it. Imagine two good friends on a road trip to the Playboy mansion. Honestly, I can believe that so easily and I imagine that was where they started their script, sadly they never give us one moment of realism to grasp on to.
I really love the idea of these guys making something great, and I do believe they have potential in the long run. I just suggest that in future projects, they don't spend so much time worrying about having UNRATED, splashed across the DVD case.
Avoid this movie.
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